Showing posts with label And so it begins.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label And so it begins.... Show all posts

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gypsy Mom Starts Painting... Again.

Yes, I am still living with my parents.

And I swear they are darling people, but I'm about a hairs width away from losing my everlovingmind.

I think my cubicle is bigger than the living space in my room at their house. And there's not too much like feeling like you are in a cubicle for 85% of your day.


The painting extravaganza has resumed since Super Dad has decided to finally pick up his son.

I squeeze this stuff in when he's not home, ya know? Planning, people, planning!

But we all know I suck at the planning, and when I do plan and it doesn't pan out... well the tailspin resumes.

And nothing says PAR-TAY like a 30-something, living at home in the middle of a holy-fracking-frick tailspin.

You don't want it.

I don't want it.

Anyhoo... I'm painting. Again. Forever.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gypsy Mom Goes Back Home

Just when I thought ol' Gypsy Mom was about to settle down - shabam! Dumpsville... population moi.

Ah yes, it has happened again.

And here I am, smack dab in the same exact spot that I was 10 years ago - almost to the day.I'm living with my parents.

Let that one settle in for a second.

31....Living with parents.


And don't you forget Gypsy Boy - couldn't spare him this little adventure.

But yea, that's what we're up to nowadays.

So the two of us have been living with my parents for just over a week now, sleeping in a twin bed together and begging the house gods to finish our remodel so that we can move.

(The house gods being me and my parents. And I don't seem to respond to begging. Ahem.)

Ex-Guy and I have been together for almost 3 years - living together, the whole she-bang - but week leading to the break felt like the calm before the storm.

I haven't been happy, but I thought it was a rough patch... people go through those, right?

Well... looks like we didn't make it through.So Gypsy Boy and I are off onto the newest stage in our life.

We've always made it through, and I'm sure we will again... off we go!